First Start Reading Table of Contents
First Start Reading Student Books:
A Sample
B Sample
C Sample
D Sample
E Sample
First Start Reading Books A-D and Book E Teacher Samples
Is there really a need for another phonics program? Well, we thought so! The first reading and printing lessons are critical, and although there are many adequate programs out there, we could not find one with the right combination we were looking for—a balanced, age-appropriate approach to phonics and reading, and a serious focus on correct pencil grip and letter formation. In addition, many phonics programs today use the ladder approach (consonant-vowel blending), which is fine, but we prefer the more traditional (vowel-consonant) approach combined with word families. And one more thing: mastery of the short vowels is the sine qua non of phonics programs, and few programs really give adequate practice in this very important skill. First Start Reading solved all of our little problems and made us happy. We hope you like it too.
First Start Reading Book E continues the FSR phonics program students complete in kindergarten. Book E picks up where kindergarten leaves off, covering long vowel teams, soft c and g, and three sounds of y. Once the student has mastered the basic phonics in the FSR series, he is ready to continue reading progress with real literature. Book E is the perfect program to solidify phonics knowledge before moving into Storytime Treasures. It contains 8 lessons, each focusing on a more difficult phonics concept and each including a story that gives students practice reading the concept.
First Start Reading covers consonants, short and long vowels, 45 common words, and manuscript printing, accompanied by artist-drawn coloring pictures and drawing pages for every letter. Your child will begin reading in the very first lesson as he progresses through five student books and over thirty-one phonetic stories, such as “Hogs and Pigs” and “Jog to the Jet.” The Teacher Manuals guide you through the program and provide helpful assessments and teaching tips.
“Why First Start Reading” by Cheryl Lowe
“What is the Classical Approach to Phonics?” by Cheryl Lowe
Supplemental Products:
First Start Reading Teacher Guide Second Ed (A-D)
First Start Reading Book E Teacher Guide
Additional Resources:
Kindergarten Phonics & Spelling Set
First Start Reading Complete Set
First Start Reading Student Set
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