Process Skills In Problem Solving is specially written for primary level pupils to systematically develop competency in thinking skills and problem solving heuristics through meaningful and challenging activities.
Process Skills In Problem Solving is specially written for primary level pupils to systematically develop competency in thinking skills and problem solving heuristics through meaningful and challenging activities.
Process Skills In Problem Solving is specially written for primary level pupils to systematically develop competency in thinking skills and problem solving heuristics through meaningful and challenging activities.
Process Skills In Problem Solving is specially written for primary level pupils to systematically develop competency in thinking skills and problem solving heuristics through meaningful and challenging activities.
Process Skills In Problem Solving is specially written for primary level pupils to systematically develop competency in thinking skills and problem solving heuristics through meaningful and challenging activities.
The Rod & Staff Grade 4 Math Set includes the following: Teacher Manuals Parts 1-2, Student Book, Tests, Speed Drills, and the Speed Drill Packet.
A separate tablet of speed drills provides a timed drill for every second lesson. Speed drills exercise a wide range of skills taught in Grade 4.
From the Publisher:
“After reviewing the basic facts and teaching the multiplication and division facts 10s-12s, this book teaches long division, multiplying by 2-digit numbers, and checking in the four processes of computation.”
From the Publisher:
“The teacher’s manual comes in two volumes. Each lesson shows the pupil’s pages full size with answers filled in. Extra pages give detailed guidance for the teacher in lesson presentation.”
The teacher’s manual comes in two volumes. Each lesson shows the pupil’s pages full size with answers filled in. Extra pages give detailed guidance for the teacher in lesson presentations.
From the Publisher:
“The 17 chapter tests are bound in a separate booklet with tear-out sheets."
Slip, slide, leap, and dive with a family of seven lively ducklings as they get ready to fly for the very first time.
By: Keith Baker
The latest addition to Exploring Canada's Geography series covers Quebec's geographical regions, including the St. Lawrence Valley and Gaspe, climate and natural resources.
Other topics include Samuel de Champlain, the seigneurial system, New France and the fur trade, Quebecois foods, maple syrup, Forillon National Park, the port of Montreal and Canada's oldest city, Quebec.
By: Bill MacDonald
Question Mark introduces young children to the three central philosophical skills of questioning, doubting, and being certain. The focus is on asking questions: about who we are, about reality, and about certainty. In the story, Mark helps a shadow-rabbit escape from a dog named Dogma, who is trying to eliminate uncertainty once and for all, but this leads to the fundamental question: Can we know anything for certain?
By: Sharon Kaye, Ph.D.
The Question Mark teacher manual, for parents and teachers both, is the instructor’s guide to implementing the student book. It provides a summary of the plot developments for each chapter, a philosophical basis for the key concepts of the chapters, discussion questions based on Bloom’s Taxonomy, and suggestions for activities.
By: Sharon Kaye, Ph.D.
Question Mark is less of a textbook and more of a picture book, with mind-opening ideas and activities conveyed through words and images working together. The fifteen chapters fall into three parts, corresponding to the three central philosophical skills we want children to develop: questioning, doubting, and being certain. These are fundamental skills that have inspired great thinkers throughout the history of civilization to build and transform the intellectual world.
By: Sharon Kaye